czwartek, 19 maja 2016

What it really means "you are what you eat"

Hi lovely people <3

Have you ever wondered how complicated creation is human? (pssst, boys - it's not only about girls!)
The easiest way to show it is comparing human to high advanced machine.

Like every machine, our body needs to be turned on, given right fuel, looked after it, and turned off to let it rest, when required, so it could work efficient after turning it on again.

There are some rights existing in this world and they affects on nature and us as well. The sooner we will understand these rights and start to observe it, the better for us. Harmony is very important and if we want to feel good in our bodies we need to understand that feeling well with ourselves is connected with something more than looking fit.

Have you ever heard the phrase : "you are what you eat" ?

This is true. If you will bring awareness to what there is on your plate and will remember that your stomach is not a bin, you will be feeling well and your body will thank you for that.

I want you to have a look what are the consequences  of our choices.

The blue fields are the base - our tools. The green circles are our further tools, but indirect goals also, and the red clouds are our direct goals.

This is very simple graph but you can see very clearly how it works. Healthy eating supports you physical activities and makes you efforts visible quicker. Being active requires also many minerals and vitamins which are in healthy food. If you make it start, your machine will automatically runs. Thanks physical activities you will be feeling well and feel motivated, which a) will motive you to eating healthy and being active and will make you happy, looking better and feel stronger, what will build you self-confidence, and what will affects on you relationships with people, on your work and other fields of your life, too. You will be wanting challenges, you will be believing that you can make your dreams true and you will be able to make them true because of your self-confidence, what will make you more motivated, you will affect people around who also will motive you because they will see your metamorphose and happiness and they will want the same for them. Then you will be automatically much more motivated because you will see that this work you made effort to start are worthy and you will want people to feel like you so then you will motive them etc etc.

Can you see this process ? Do you get me ?
I am in this place where I started to experience what does it mean to do this effort and how many benefits there are for me . It's really difficullt to start but if you will do this effort you won't ever be disappointed and you will want to make people fell what you feel. So I do.

The only thing you need to do is experience it on your own...

Now - please, do it for yourself and people around - take the risk and start this fascinating journey!
It's not imposiblle to do... yes I''m talking to you right now - IT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!

Trust me and I will show you how to do it :
-without being on diets and having jojo-effects
-counting calories
-taking the pills and supplements

Ok, so you know what you need to do now.
Next time I will finally tell you HOW TO DO IT.

I look forward to see you next time!!
See you in a bit,

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